JEAN PIERRE CONSUEGRAGraphic Designer Based In Brooklyn NY 
Selected Branding/Creative Direction Work 2022 - 2024. 

Clients: Jupiter Disco / Lauryn Hill / Adidas / Atlantic Records / Vinyl Me Please / Mikanda Forever

Jupiter Disco Brand Identity: Creative Direction & Design
Art direction + Logo + Poster design + Photography + Motion design + Signage + Website

Ms. Lauryn Hill
The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill 25 Year Anniversary World Tour: Creative Direction & Design
Poster Design + Merch + Social Assets

FRIDGES NYC Design & Application

Atlantic Records X Vinyl, Me Please 
75 Year Anniversary Campaign: Creative Direction & Design
Logo Design + Photo treatment + Motion Design + Print work 

Adidas:HLHM Events: Creative Direction & Design
Poster & Merch Desgin 

Vinyl, Me Please Hip Hop 50 Campaign: Design & Creative Direction
Poster Design + Motion Design + Photo Treatment

Mikanda Forever: The Elopment World TourDesign, Creative Direction, Web Design, Merch Design
